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Strengths Foundation
Welcome from Stephanie (7:51)
Course Objectives (2:29)
Activity: Writing (6:35)
Taking the Assessment (5:40)
Do My Strengths Change Over Time? / Should I Retake the Assessment? (4:53)
How Do I Determine My Dominant Themes? (using report with all 34 themes) (6:21)
Activity: Begin with Intent (3:54)
Strengths Overview
Strengths Origin & Fun Facts (7:21)
Why Strengths? (10:52)
Terminology (11:02)
The Dos and Don'ts (7:48)
Your Unique Profile (11:38)
The Four Domains
Executing Domain Spotlight - video (3:19)
The Four Domains (13:39)
Influencing Domain Spotlight (3:35)
Relationship Building Domain Spotlight (2:32)
Strategic Thinking Domain Spotlight (2:49)
Activity: My Domains (3:47)
The 34 Talent Themes
Intro to Talent Theme Spotlights (2:13)
Achiever (8:28)
Activator (4:34)
Adaptability (6:28)
Analytical (3:36)
Arranger (4:07)
Belief (5:10)
Command (5:00)
Communication (6:23)
Competition (6:04)
Connectedness (4:47)
Consistency (6:32)
Context (4:29)
Deliberative (4:54)
Developer (5:36)
Discipline (7:13)
Empathy (6:23)
Focus (4:06)
Futuristic (4:48)
Harmony (4:41)
Ideation (5:00)
Individualization (5:23)
Input (5:32)
Intellection (5:15)
Learner (5:01)
Maximizer (4:07)
Positivity (9:27)
Relator (7:05)
Responsibility (4:45)
Restorative (3:45)
Self-Assurance (5:10)
Significance (6:20)
Strategic (5:06)
Woo (5:22)
Unpacking Your Strengths
Understand | Own | Activate (8:11)
Activity: My Strengths (10:27)
What About Weaknesses? (9:26)
Activity: Upsides & Downsides (5:32)
Putting Your Strengths to Work (9:34)
Activity: Strengths-Based Goal Strategy (15:39)
Activity: Intentional Takeaways (4:01)
Congratulations & Thank you! (1:03)
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